Class EqualsNotConditionalSearchCriteria

All Implemented Interfaces:
SearchCriteriaSpecification, Serializable,<MonetaryPoverty>

public class EqualsNotConditionalSearchCriteria extends EqualsConditionalSearchCriteria
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value isn't equal to the given value. See Specification.
The JSON filter is:
     "operation": "$neq",
     "fieldName": "activityAndEmploymentStatus",
     "value": "EMP"
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPredicate

      protected jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate getPredicate(jakarta.persistence.criteria.Root<MonetaryPoverty> root, jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery<?> query, jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder)
      Description copied from class: ConditionalSearchCriteria
      Wrapper method that returns the predicate of the search criteria.
      getPredicate in class EqualsConditionalSearchCriteria
      root - A root type in the from clause. Query roots always reference entities.
      query - The query to be built.
      criteriaBuilder - The criteria builder to be used.
      The predicate of the search criteria.