All Classes and Interfaces

Class that represent an API error response.
Represents the conditional operators that can be used in the filtering process.
Mapper to map a String to a ConditionalOperator and vice versa.
Abstract class that represents a conditional search criteria that can be applied to a MonetaryPoverty entity.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value contains the given value.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value doesn't contain the given value.
Factory for creating SearchCriteriaMapper based on the operator type.
CSV dataset configuration.
Provides the configuration for the dataset resource.
Exception thrown when a file can't be downloaded
Interface that defines the contract for mapping between DTOs and entities.
Metadata of a field of an entity.
Represents the metadata of an entity.
Interface that defines the contract for mapping between entities and DTOs.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value is equal to the given value.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value isn't equal to the given value.
Main class of the Spring Boot application.
Service for handling file operations.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value is greater than the given value.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value is greater or equal to the given value.
Exception thrown when the extraction of a file fails.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the value is in the list of values.
Exception thrown when the field name is invalid.
Exception thrown when the field type is invalid.
Exception thrown when the filter is not valid.
Thrown when the operator is not valid.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value is less than the given value.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the field value is less or equal to the given value.
Represents a logical operator.
Mapper to map a String to a LogicalOperator and vice versa.
Entity class to represent a logical search criteria.
Mapper for the logical search criteria.
Exception thrown when a mapping fails.
The MonetaryPoverty entity, that represents the Monetary Poverty data of the dataset.
Rest controller for the Monetary Poverty entity.
Exception handler for the Monetary Poverty Controller.
Field set mapper for Monetary Poverty data.
Service that handles the business logic of the Monetary Poverty entity.
The conditional search criteria specification that checks if the value is not in the list of values.
Represents an operator.
The generic mapper for the Operator class.
Enumerates the types of operators that can be used in the filtering process.
Class that represents a search criteria.
Alias for Dto to entity mapper for search criteria.
Alias to Specification of MonetaryPoverty.